Republic Square, Governmental Building #3,
RA Ministry of Environment, office #549
- +374 95 993393
Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM)
The mandate of the Project-level GRM is to receive and seek to resolve complaints about actual or potential environmental or social harm to the affected person(s) arising from the Project. The GRM can also accept/review complaints by workers concerning labour and working conditions.
In its accessibility to complainants and its responses to complaints, the GRM will be gender-responsive, culturally sensitive, non-discriminatory, and inclusive. Complaints related to sexual abuse and exploitation (SEA) will be treated in a survivor-centered manner and ensure referrals for safe and survivor assistance.
The Project-level GRM will ensure:
- an accessible, predictable, and transparent procedure for receiving and responding to complaints;
- direct engagement and dialogue with complainants to clarify issues and interests and develop mutually acceptable responses;
- equitable and rights-compatible resolution of complaints, including contribution to remedy for environmental or social harm demonstrably caused or contributed to by the Project;
- opportunity for learning from complaints and their resolution in ways that contribute to improved management of environmental and social risks and ensure alignment with UNDP's Social and Environmental Standards as well as applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
To be eligible for the Project-level GRM, the complaint must pertain to a Project and its activities after the signature of the Project Document and before the Project closure, indicate how the Project has/may contribute to social or environmental harm, and be made by people who could be affected by the harm referenced (or by an authorized representative).
The Project-level GRM cannot respond to anonymous grievances. However, complainants may request and receive confidentiality.
If the complaint is related to Sexual Exploitation and Assault (SEA), the record-keeping and information sharing about SEA survivor assistance will adhere to the 'Do No Harm' and confidentiality principles, and the survivor's personally identifiable information will remain confidential unless the victim expressly consents to it being shared.
Such cases may be referred to relevant investigative/assistance bodies.
With the complainant’s agreement, the Project-level GRM will refer requests alleging non-compliance with UNDP fraud or corruption to the UNDP Office of Audit and Investigations (OAI) or the relevant national authority(ies).
The complainant may also refer the case to the Stakeholder Response Mechanism (SRM) at the Country Office Level or Global UNDP SRM.
The complaint may be submitted to the GRM online using an email:, paper-based at UN House (Address: 14 Petros Adamyan Street, Yerevan, Armenia), or via telephone: +37495993393. The complainant may also submit a complaint in person to the Project Manager or other Project team member.